Sunday, January 23, 2011

Signs to know he's avoiding you

Know if he's not that into you (Getty Images)
Here are some tell-tale signs to look out for.... 

If you've gone out with a guy/girl a couple of times, you are probably wondering if he/she likes you and wants to take it forward. While going outright and asking your date is not always an option, you may be looking for signs to know how he/she feels.

If you are one of those who keeps wondering why your partner hasn't called back or is too busy for you, maybe you need to realise that he/she is not that into you.

- A lack of physical contact is one of the most obvious signs. If it's a man you're wondering about, know that they love to show their affection in the form of holding hands or putting their arm around your waist. If he is keeping a distance, constantly has his hands folded over his chest and avoids eye contact it's a sign.

-While men may not be fond of phone conversations, if he likes you he will call you back. The same applies for women. If she spends half of your time together chatting with her best friend on the phone, something's wrong. Further, if you find that your date keeps changing plans, it may show disinterest.

-While it's good to have your own space in a relationship if your partner disappears for days or weeks altogether, you need to think twice. There is no excuse for a person not being in touch for that long. With the internet, mobile phones and other methods of communication, even if your partner is out of the country he/she should call in every now and again.

-It's always nice to run errands or do favours for your date, but not all the time. If your date only calls you when he/she needs you to buy some groceries or pick him/her up, it's time to say no. A good partner will ask for help once in a while.

-A partner who criticises you all the time for small things like the way you are dressed and seems to be starting fights all the time, could be looking for a break-up. If he/she is constantly with a member of the opposite sex, it could mean he/she is looking for options.

-Finally if your date is keeping you away from his/her friends circle or avoiding meeting his/her family, it could mean that he/she is not in it long term. Ask your partner about this and then decide if you want to continue the relationship.

Read more: Signs to know he's avoiding you - The Times of India

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