Saturday, January 22, 2011

Are you going to be dumped?

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Pyaar impossible: Don’t try to ignore the issue nagging your relationship
Being in a love can be a heady feeling. Add to it the fact that you feel you've found your soul mate, and you are on cloud nine. 

But people often fail to take into consideration the fact that their partner may not be thinking likewise. When in love, people either don't see that there is trouble in their relationship or they prefer to ignore it hoping that everything will sort itself out. However, it's best to acknowledge the issues that are nagging you and address them rather than sweep them under the carpet. Ignoring the issues won't help. So, here are some pointers to check out the steadiness factor in your relationship:

Doesn't want to socialise with you 
Do you remember that time when you were left standing at the restaurant hungrily eyeing the people who walked in, but you never got to go in because your boyfriend/girlfriend didn't turn up? There's the working overtime excuse that come handy at times such as these. We don't mean to say that every time your partner breaks a date you suspect his/her actions, but anything that happens too often indicates something. And breaking a date is an indication of the fact that there are things, other than you, that are important to your partner.

Goes out on his/her own 
There's always some reason why you can't come to a party. 'It's just the office people' or 'It's a boy's night out' or 'You won't enjoy it' or 'We'll be discussing work, honey' are the lines that are guaranteed to keep you away. There's got to some reason why your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't want you around.

His/her friends seem distant 
Aren't your friends the ones you confide in when anything bothers you? Similarly, if his/her friends suddenly seem to be a little hesitant to talk to you or approach you it could be because he/she has confided something in them.

Love is gone 
If your boyfriend/girlfriend stops acknowledging important days like your birthday, it's time to talk to him/her. Also he/she may not want to hold your hand or be affectionate in public.

Asks you to change 
When your partner keeps pointing to how your appearance needs to change, it could indicate that he/she is not happy with you anymore. If suddenly everything you do seems to be imperfect or wrong then you need to take a long, hard look at your relationship. Don't blame yourself for all the issues that he has.

You avoid serious talks 
Whenever your partner tries to have a serious talk, you want to run away. You probably have a feeling that you are going to be dumped. Avoiding it won't help as your relationship will suffer more. So, be brave and face it. 

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